세리토스협회 여행 스케쥴입니다.
세리토스협회 여행 스케쥴입니다. 출발 : 28일 밤11:20 도착 : 29일 아침 7: 25 숙소 : Sheraton Safari Hotel And Suites Lake Buena Vista 12205 S Apopka Vineland Rd · Orlando, FL 32836
Traveler and cost summary |
Ki Hong |
Adult |
Jae Choi |
Adult |
Jung Kim |
Adult |
Tai Myung |
Adult |
Flight taxes/fees, Taxes & Fees |
Total amount charged |
Note: The flight portion of your trip is charged directly by the airline. This will result in you receiving a separate credit card charge for the flight, but the total charges on your credit card will be equal to the trip price. |
View payment history. |
Flight summary |
Seat assignments and meal preferences must be confirmed with the airline; we cannot guarantee that they will be honored. |
Thu 28-Jul-11 |
Los Angeles (LAX) Depart 11:20 pm Terminal 4 |
to |
Orlando (MCO) Arrive 7:25 am
+1 day |
2,210 mi (3,557 km) Duration: 5hr 5mn |
AA Flight: 204 |
3Economy/Coach Class ( Seat assignments upon check-in
More Information ), Food For Purchase, Boeing 737-800 |
Total distance: 2,210 mi (3,557 km)
Total duration: 5hr 5mn |
Sun 31-Jul-11 |
Orlando (MCO) Depart 8:00 am |
to |
Los Angeles (LAX) Arrive 10:03 am Terminal 5 |
2,210 mi (3,557 km) Duration: 5hr 3mn |
DL Flight: 1060 |
3Economy/Coach Class ( Seat assignments upon check-in
More Information ), Food For Purchase, Airbus A320, 80% on time |
Total distance: 2,210 mi (3,557 km)
Total duration: 5hr 3mn |
Hotel summary |
Fri Jul-29-2011 (2 nights) |
Sheraton Safari Hotel Lake Buena Vista |
12205 S Apopka Vineland Rd Orlando, FL 32836 United States of America
Check in: Fri Jul-29-2011 Check out: Sun Jul-31-2011
Reservation questions: +1 (800) EXPEDIA For other information contact the hotel: Tel: 1 (407) 239-0444 Fax: 1 (407) 239-1778 |
Room 1 |
Contact: Ki Hong |
2 adults / seniors |
Room description: Traditional Room- 2 Doubles Nonsmoking/Smoking: Non-Smoking Room type: 2 DOUBLE BEDS
Room 2 |
Contact: Jae Choi |
2 adults / seniors |
Room description: Traditional Room- 2 Doubles Nonsmoking/Smoking: Non-Smoking Room type: 2 DOUBLE BEDS
Unless specified otherwise, rates are quoted in US dollars. |
The price you selected DOES NOT include any applicable service fees, charges for optional incidentals (such as minibar snacks or telephone calls) or regulatory surcharges. The lodging facility will assess these fees, charges and surcharges upon check-out. |